Unpacking the Gospel

September 7, 2023


Unpacking the Gospel -Jared Diller, Executive Director 

In June, I had the privilege of being a middle school boys cabin leader at camp! This puts me right in my element where we embrace the random, awkward, energetic season of life known as middle school. Here are a few of my highlights. I laughed the hardest I have in recent memory. I became known as “Vacation Dad” to our students. I got to see the YFC of Northwest OH staff in action with teens – so proud of this team! I witnessed the Gospel being unfolded through the course of the week to 200 some campers from the Great Lakes area.

At YFC Camp, campers hear the Gospel unpacked through several messages that communicate that Jesus notices them, and that Jesus sees our mess of sin; sin we commit and sin that others have committed against us. In a special message that shares God’s plan of salvation, campers are invited into a solo time, where for 15 minutes we pause, and in a quiet space, consider the need for Jesus as Lord and Savior. It was directly after this time that my greatest highlight came when I got to hear the first profession of faith in Jesus from a quiet, bright, young man. In His words, “I have been thinking about this for a while, and know I needed to take this step”. Wow…this camp trip was an incredible gift to me and so many of our campers!

It is my pleasure to give an account to all that have prayed for us,  supported financially, and given of their time to reach lost teens for Jesus. Thank you, in advance, for empowering YFC to dive into this generation and shine a light for Christ.