Much More Than Basic

November 19, 2023


Meeting essential needs opens ears to the Good News -Stef Tropf, Findlay City Life

It’s tough to imagine for some, but many of our teens are without many of their most basic needs being met. The Lord’s provision has been so real and found within and around the walls of our City Life center in Findlay as we’ve begun ministry this fall! Through community support, generous donations and many prayers, our students have been provided for in BIG ways. Through gifts of snacks, meals, basic hygiene items, school supplies, haircuts and more, we are able to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those who enter our doors and have many needs that may hinder their ability to hear truth initially.

When one person offers to share their talents or time with a teen, a bridge is built, and there is immense potential for doors to be opened to share the Lord’s greatest provision of his salvation with them.

Each of the teens we’ve had the privilege to come into contact with over the past few months have been intentionally placed within our care by God. They’re unique and fun individuals, made specifically for a purpose, and it’s through supporting and caring for their basic needs that we can enter into authentic Christ-sharing relationships with them. Our heartbeat and desire is to see students each week through the lens of Christ and to minister to each dimension of their human needs, including, their physical needs.

Philippians 4:19 says, “And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.”

Praise God for the care of our teens physical and spiritual needs! Prayers that we can consistently and faithfully meet more needs of God’s children through the overflow of our love for Him!