A Turning Point -Silas Todd Hancock County Expansion Director
In the middle of all the chaos of a middle school boys’ night, one young man is sitting quietly typing out a response to an online signup form. The last part of this baptism signup form requests, “Please share a brief testimony of when and how you decided to follow Jesus.”
The surrounding room was as wild as most middle school events are. We had lost a basketball on the roof of the building, a ping pong net was broken earlier in the night and despite having about as many pizzas as students, it was almost entirely gone.
Daric is a student who a few years earlier would have been the center of the crazy,not the one typing out a testimony. He is far from perfect, but the change in his life has been undeniable. As we have walked out the last three years together, he has decided to follow Jesus, began sharing his faith organically with peers and has recently decided to get baptized.
Now, his family and friends will be joining him at church service to witness the baptism and the impact of what Christ has done in his life. No doubt, this event will be, for many, their introduction to the church.
It is a reminder of why we continue to show up on the crazy nights -to be the light of Jesus and point students to the glory of God.