Camp this year was cold-I mean really cold!
–Gwen Sprague, Ministry Coordinator
It was a strange year of summer camp, but God was using it for His good. The second week of June, YFC of NWOH packed two vans full of students, caring adult leaders and luggage with costumes galore and traveled up north for our annual week at YFC Camp. At camp, students are given the opportunity to get out of their standard surroundings and comfort zones and most of all, their normal distractions. They have a prime opportunity to focus on what matters in life. Students (and adults, if we’re honest) don’t have many moments where they can experience silence to ponder, pray or listen. So, pair this with the cold, and this year at YFC Camp was like no other!
Because it was so cold outside, our girls opted to spend more time in our warm cabin. The friendships that were built through conversations, singing, creativity and imagination were unmatched from previous years, and because of this, our students felt seen and cared for in a way that we couldn’t have planned better ourselves. When students have a trusted relationship with an adult, the student is much more willing to listen and consider what a leader is sharing with them, and this was definitely seen this summer with Gospel conversations at camp. This is true for a student who expressed she feels unwanted at home and another who doesn’t fit in socially. The Gospel was clearly communicated and paired with a new community of God-loving friends, YFC Camp lives up to its tagline:
Where Everything Changes.