Diane (Diller) Basinger

November 28, 2023


Diane (Diller) Basinger, Campus Life student 1975

YFC had a profound impact on my spiritual growth.

I attended the weekly YFC large gatherings, but I also attended early morning small group Bible Studies led by Jim “Train” King. 

One day, my high school teacher asked me why I had gotten to school a little early.  I shared that I had just come from an early morning Bible Study.  He asked a few more questions as we talked a little bit about the study.  I was glad to answer his questions but didn’t really think too much about it.

Sometime later, the teacher spoke to me again about the conversation we had that day.  He was a believer but as we had talked about the early morning Bible Study that day, he said he had been challenged to question the seriousness of his walk with Christ.  He had been surprised by the willingness of high school students to get out of bed early to come together and study the Bible.  That conversation encouraged him in faith and helped to deepen His walk with Christ.  

I’m thankful for the willingness of leaders like Train that met with us in those early mornings to share their love for God and His Word.  And I’m thankful it gave me the opportunity to share my love for God with someone in a way that I never expected.