Eat, Play, Grow – Together!

August 11, 2022


Lima City Life Meal Partners have provided over 250 meals this year.  -Yvonne Jones, Lima City Life

Summer has given City Life a moment to say, “thank you”!  On June 6, we invited the wonderful people that provide and serve delicious meals to our youth to a banquet that was hosted and served by our students. It was such a blessing to see the teens preparing and serving those who have provided for them throughout the year.

One of the things we say at City Life is “We Eat, Play, and Grow Together”. Mealtime is more than just feeding our natural bodies, it’s a time where we can sit down with our youth and engage in healthy conversations about their day.

City Life Meal Partners have provided over 250 meals this year. We enjoy seeing our youth interact with the meal partners, especially when the meal is a dish that our kids have never tried before such as white bean chili, turkey tacos, sweet potato fries and zucchini spaghetti. Thank you all for making mealtime a positive experience.

Thank you to all the churches, organizations and caring individuals that allow us to enjoy a family style meal with our kids!