Summer fun has a deeper purpose. -Silas Todd, Liberty-Benton Campus Life
Summer has been an awesome season of joy for us at Liberty-Benton Campus Life! While we have missed seeing so many students every week, we’ve had some awesome opportunities to do new things with smaller groups of students.
Some of our favorite times have been getting to do the little things with students that lead to getting to know them better. From fishing to kayak trips, and everything in between, we’ve been getting to know students, and plan to continue throughout the summer. We were also able to attend one of the Bluffton Campus Life pool parties with a few students, and plan to visit at least one more time this summer.
The highlight of the summer so far was definitely camp. Students and leaders alike got the opportunity to take part in a ton of fun activities and experiences at camp that made it the best week some students may have ever had. Some of my personal favorites were a crud war, a zipline, and a big water slide that our students loved.
The most important part of camp though, was our time learning about God that led to some worshipful times. Students heard testimonies from leaders, our awesome speaker Nigel, and from us, their local leaders, during cabin time. We got to dive into our stories as leaders, the students’ stories and into God’s story as the week went on.
The most amazing part of camp was having the opportunity to talk with our students about following Jesus. This year at camp, one of our LBMS boys committed his life to Jesus for the first time – praise God!