A Front Row Seat – Jared Diller, Executive Director
Youth ministry gives us a front row to the lives of teens, from those awkward middle school years to young adulthood. In the almost eight years we’ve journeyed with teens, we’ve seen the potential in who they will become, and that God has the power to transform lives.
I love serving with both middle school students at a Pandora-Gilboa, and a Friday morning core group with Bluffton High School students. These two ministries bookend the ways YFC serves teens. In middle school, it’s about learning names, building relationships, pointing to Jesus in intentional times of sharing…and lots of fun! In a high school core group, it’s about discipling a maturing believer to pray for their friends, schools and community, to share the good news of the Gospel…and lots of fun, too! It is very rewarding to see the transformational work God does in teens’ lives.
This year’s graduating class has awesome students we have journeyed with over many years. To honor some that have shown Christian leadership, YFCNWOH offers three scholarships of $1,000. Additionally, the Deb Foulkes Memorial Scholarship awards $3,000 to a senior in high school who regularly attends and is actively involved in Campus Life in Bluffton or Pandora-Gilboa High Schools. Both scholarships recognize teens that show strong leadership, initiative, and involvement at Youth for Christ activities. I am proud to announce this year’s recipients of the YFCNWOH scholarship is Eli Wenger, Bluffton, Braeden Akerman, Bluffton and Riley Frey, McComb. Also, this year’s Deb Foulkes Memorial Scholarship goes to Eli Wenger.
Please join us as we celebrate and pray for these young hopefuls as they follow Christ in college! – Jared