Jesus Sees My Mess -Silas Todd, Liberty-Benton MS Campus Life
The highlights of our summer at Liberty-Benton Middle School Campus Life have included all sorts of fun. We had a crazy cool week of camp, where we get to introduce teens to Christ without all the noise of the normal world. Additionally, we attend the YFC pool parties every week, and even went on a kayaking trip with Bluffton middle schoolers.
The best of the summer for us though, has been the times our team have had to talk with middle schoolers about faith!
Throughout the end of the school year, and now into the summer, we have had the joy of working with some students who are young in their faith or who don’t know Jesus yet. Some of the best discussions we have had involve helping students understand that Jesus sees, and can handle the messes in their lives.
One conversation involved a student with a very difficult home life. This student, for the first time, had a realization that their identity didn’t have to be in the hand they were dealt, but could instead be as a child of God.
The best parts of our summer are when students with messy home lives, difficult friendships, trouble in school, or any other list of messes have begun to realize that Jesus sees their messes, and that he loves them.