Trey Manley, City Life student and staff member through 2011-2022
Youth for Christ has meant so much to me over the years.
In 2011, I was invited to YFC’s City Life, at Rally Point Youth Center, by a friend named Chris. I was introduced to so many new people; but I was up to the challenge of meeting new friends. Several people were my age, who looked like me. They were interested in basketball and sports, two of my favorite things at the time.
While being at YFC, they also fed me, so I definitely wanted to continue to come back because it was all I wanted at the time.
After attending several years, City Life invited me to a Christian conference called Converge. I had never been to a conference before but my new pastor and friends were going to be there, and there was food, so I decided to go. Little did I know God would move so much on the last hour of day 2 at this conference.
I remember walking into the doors in the final hours of the conference and a man named Joe was greeting people at the door. I recognized him because he went to my church, but didn’t personally know him. He asked me a very simple question at that moment, “Are you ready to give your life to Christ tonight?” Me being a 16-year-old shrugged it off and said “I don’t know man.”
Later that night God touched my heart so much and I remember looking around the room and seeing people who had major struggles in their lives, happy and joyful, singing praises to Jesus and it made me ask myself how can they be happy even though they had such huge struggles in their life? I simply thought of Jesus and decided to give Him a try.
At home, after the conference, I called my City Life director, Jared. Over the phone, I gave my life to Christ.
Fast forward a year. I was growing a lot in the Lord and became a City Life student leader. Fast forward a couple years and I became a City Life staff member! God used the ministry of City Life to save me, and now I was helping others get saved!
As I look back and reflect on what Youth for Christ has meant to me, all I can think is thankfulness and love because it’s the place where I found Life and Living water that I was chasing after being in the world.
In March it will be 10 years being in the Lord and I’m forever thankful of the people who discipled me and walked alongside me during my time with YFC. Altogether, I was involved in City Life from 2011-2022, and I wouldn’t be the man who loves Jesus today if it wasn’t for God using YFC. It taught me what really matters in life is Jesus and the command that He left us with.
“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20