Using the old stories to see God’s new mercies. -Jared Diller, Executive Director
It is easy to become excited about new things. I find myself searching for new podcasts, new restaurants, and new dad jokes (to make my kids groan). New and shiny things grab my attention for a while, but then fade, leaving a desire for something newer. I have had to combat my desire for new, surface level things, and work to see and appreciate that which is around me and consistent.
God’s Word is a source of great knowledge, wisdom and life wrapped in the guise of an old, common book. It is not new to say the least, but has transformational power and promises to be living! The key is to pick up the old book, avoid distractions and with the help of the Holy Spirit, take time to understand and apply it.
Throughout the summer, we have shared new experiences with students, be it going to camp for the first time, kayaking, making new friends or attending their first pool party – all good things. But all these actions come back to our goal of sharing the old, faithful, message of God’s Word. I am honored to serve an organization that has been in the area for 75 years and is devoted to the Word of God! Through the longstanding support of the community and leaders that love Jesus and teens, we are seeing new lives changed through the old, old story of the Gospel.